He will live and drink in the master's house and have "fun" in the evening. By fun, I mean trips to
Mar-a-Lago when Trump sells classified documents to foreign agents. MAGA and pass the diet coke.
Pat is a semi-retired house painter.
He will live and drink in the master's house and have "fun" in the evening. By fun, I mean trips to
Mar-a-Lago when Trump sells classified documents to foreign agents. MAGA and pass the diet coke.
They agree. Judge Thomas has taken the most bribes so he agrees to take it to a laundromat. He wants one million dollars in quarters.
I think he would be a fine preacher if he could cry convincingly when he admits his sins in church.
Just keep repenting. There is not limit.
Most of the money will go to his billionaire friends. But that's what we voted for.
I wish I could make that kind of money. Pays one dollar in taxes!
The winner gets to belittle soldiers who have died in action and then have lunch with President Trump.
What were her secret meetings about? Just another day in Trump World.