Monday, March 31, 2014

609-612 Plastic Garbage and the Rapture

It is now believed that plastic garbage will impede the Rapture.  Rapturees will face the daunting journey through billions of tons of plastic detritus.  Some say this mess is the reason for the delay or even the calling off of the Rapture which would be analogous to not inviting messy and vulgar relatives over for dinner.

Friday, March 21, 2014

613-614 Billion Dollar Rapture Bracket

The bracket has several branches.  The most prominent branch and the largest is dedicated to who will rise during the Rapture.  The Mormons have declined use of their computers.  Everybody for their friends and family.

Another bracket is dedicated predicting the year.  Some feel that this casts the end times in a negative light.  After all, it has been two thousand years and everyone is dug in and consuming like there's no tomorrow -- or Rapture.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

615 Rapture App

A Rapture App is in development.  It will help locate the best areas for departure as well as planning for the last days, no really, the last days. The real last days.

Monday, March 10, 2014

616 Pistorioius Vomits at Discription of Rapture

He knews he's not going so he pukes.  That's not being a good sport, a team player.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

617 Republican Rape and the Love of the Rapture

Many older Republicans believe that the Rapture will be a Free Rape Zone, much like an invading army.  Some even believe that Heaven will be an eternal gang-bang.  Not all religious share their views.  We welcome responses from theologians from Oral Roberts University.