Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pizza and Mutilation

I took my son to the local pizzeria. The nature channel warned viewers that the human encounters with animals was violent and disturbing. Thanks for the warning. I didn't' wait around to see if the crocodile ripped the mans arm off or just spun it in knots in the manner of cartoons.

What percentage of the population will sit with their family and watch human mutilation with their pizza? This is not a rhetorical question.

Quiet! Meditation in Progress

The meditation center has been remodeled. The interior is very middle class now. The floor has been glued and screwed so it doesn't squeak -- a real karma multiplier! Now that the hall is optimum, a new and noisier practitioner has been appearing; those who wander around with tea, go to the bathroom often, arrive wearing cologne, hunt for their singing cellphones, read fliers on the tables or bang pots in the kitchen. The net gain in silence is actually a loss.

Moral -- Rent space in liberal Protestant churches.