Friday, March 22, 2013

Govenor Christie's Gay Therapy

Unfortunately, Governor Christie believes that gay therapy will help him lose weight.  I think one of his advisers should tell him that he is mistaken before this becomes a public embarrassment. I don't think a politicians career should be ruined by a simple mistake.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Michelle Bachman's Brain

Did something happen to Michelle Bachman at Oral Robert's University?  Was she the victim of a healing-gone-wrong?  Back in the tent the needy would line up on one side and leave their crutches on the other.  Did something go horribly wrong?  Did she have a reverse or aborted healing?

Harry Reems and Republican Rebranding

All of the angry old white guys drop their sorts and Harry pulls the branding iron out of the fire.  It only hurts for a few minutes, until the Oxycontin kicks in.  Then cigars and good booze are passed around and everything is better.  "We''ll take back the country from those ............"  Consultants run around reminding them that they can't use that kind of language anymore, but the booze and dope are out of control.