Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Oregon Standoff (African Americans)

Thought experiment:  What if they were African Americans?  Let's put them in an urban setting.  What would have happened by now?  (With the Chicago or even Los Angeles Police Department restoring order)

More Trump posts soon.  Our Trump guy was sick.

Trump Shoots Megyn Kelly!

Trump will shoot Megyn Kelly then heal her wound.  The miracle of shooting and healing is a sign that Trump is the Messiah. 

They begin a world tour of shooting and healing.  Being shot and healed is tiring.  Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter join the tour taking turns in the ongoing miracle.  The entire Moslem world converts to Episcopalianism.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Donald Trump Goes on Killing Spree to Prove He is the Messiah

Trump goes on a killing rampage (Miracles!) to prove his greatness to the voters.  He kills throughout North America, Europe and the Middle East.  He is so good in fact the ISIL successfully recruits him to become CEO of the Caliphate.  He brings about world peace and the Rapture as well as Armageddon, the apocalypse and many other bad outcomes, such as golf course with ragged greens.  Nevertheless he is Great.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Trump Performs Miracles (to Prove he is the Messiah)

Trump walked through a sand trap and there were no foot prints!

Trump turned a golf ball into an egg and made a small omelet.

Trump is the Messiah

A nasty ego the size of Mt. Everest fits the bill.  Was it worth waiting 2000 years for?  Maybe with Palin as secretary of state and a bevy of beauty pageant contestants manning important positions of government we will have what we've waited for.  The beauties are the equivalent of the martyr's virgins.

Lot of angry and horny men around.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Sarah Palin and Waylin Jennings

Does anyone know if they met anywhere?  Did Waylin perform in Vladivostak?  Palin keeps her millions there as a tax dodge.  She can watch the bank from her deck.  She does need a telescope.  She never meant that she could see it with the unaided eye. That is a smear of the liberal press or a mascara smear from crying over her children.

Sarah Palin Will Win Unnamed Beauty Paegent in 2017

This is a rumor not circulating on social media.  Yes, it could be quid pro quo for her endorsement.  It could also be a conservative personality contest that she could win over Ann Coulter by a neck.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Trump Buys Palin's Endorsement

For a great sum of money. (No tweet addressing)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Russia as Seen from Trump Tower

Yes, Donald Trump can see Russia from the Penthouse atop Trump Tower.  His aides can't decide whether to use this in a debate.  When everything has been truly returned to greatness, the view of Russia will be revealed.  (Trump can also see Sarah Palin sunbathing in Alaska from the tower.)