Thursday, December 31, 2020

Trump Will Streak Congress

 For $2000.00 and as a protest for having had the election stolen.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Trump will have to be shot with a tranquilizer gun

 and carted away from the White House.  He will be dumped in a sand trap at one of his golf courses.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Is it too late to use the 25th amendment?"

 Before Trump moves to Russian to become Putin's pool boy?  Outdoor pools are cold in the winter.  Body fat will insulate to a degree but I'm not sure how well he will do in the cold.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Pence to hide in Ukrainian Sewer until after Jan 20th

 That's ok.  Rudy Giuliani has an apartment in the sewer system from his time researching Hunter Biden and looking for hard drives hidden by the Democrats. He was also looking for the chain of pizza joints that basement brothels for underage boys.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

"Who needs him?"

Who said that, Putin or Trump.  If Trump gets a second term, he'll poison his enemies with a nerve agent. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

"Let the legal process play itself out"

 Like giant turds moving through the sewer system.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Dead Lawyers are working for Trump

 Better than dead voters, or dead senators creepily moving around Washington.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Trump will not flush the White House toilets when he leaves as a protest

I can't blame him.  He has bone spurs and the aftereffects of covid are driving him crazy, like Giuliani.

Monday, December 7, 2020

White House Tennis Pavillion

 Its for covid deaths.  President Trump found his empathy.  A little late, but he found it.

Trump will begin remote control suing

 He will send out robots and loud speakers into courtrooms across the country and many European countries.  Farting in court will be less of a problem.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Trump sues Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Mt. Rushmore and Augusta National

 He will either count or not count the votes.  He will pardon Judas.  He will donate his brain and bone spurs to science.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Trump Sues Monolith in Utah

 Giulana will hold a press conference at site of monolith.  For heck sakes, don't wear anymore shoe polish on your greying temples.  Good time of year to be in the desert, like a desert father praying for salvation.  Trump prays for salvation every day.

Utah Monolith -- ballot shredder and Pederast Mirror for Grooming

 The monolith shredded millions of Trump ballots.  The monolith was built in the Ukraine by democratic pederasts.  Rudy Giuliani has been chasing it for years.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Please Tranquilize Trump and send him to Special Facility

 Mar a lago will do.  Give him a fake twitter account and plenty of hambergers.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Zombie Minks cast illegal ballots for Biden

Sydney Powel is making a coat out of the dead mink.

Trump supports do not get covid

 Perfectly understandable why they want to hang out with one another!

The Deep State bugged Sydney Powell's Spellcheck

 She was an excellent speller in elementary school.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sydney Powell has vast warehouses full of evidence

 She'll use it too.  At the time of her choosing.  When the Lord whispers in her ear. When a flatus is fortuitous. 

Call Sydney Powell if you are in a fender bender or fall on the floor

 She'll get a big intergalactic settlement.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Turks and Cilcos student vacation

 who has the money for that?

Friday, November 20, 2020

Giuliana self isolating in Ukranian Sewer

 He is looking for evidence that he is not senile.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Giuliani Abducted by Communist UFO

 and he was penetrated or given an injection of Ukranian sewer water. It was dripping out of his head at the press conference.  He may also have slow acting ebola.  Pray for him.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dr. Atlas Massages Trump's Bone Spurs

 Trump moans but his spirits lift when he hears how many of his supporters have heroically without wearing masks. Trump says, it should have been me. His compassion is infinite like the Buddha.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Barr licks Trumps golf shoes again.

 He likes the spikes.

Pfizer to Make Vaccine that will change Trump into a Human

 That will be a nice change. But he still has to go to jail.

Trump's Inner Circle Wants to go to the Porn Shop in Philly

 Rudy didn't buy enough material for everyone.  It's also a low pressure venue to persue the UFO and aliens who stole Trump ballots...billions of terrific ballots.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Satan has Approached Donald Trump

about his true identity as the Antichrist.  The president told Satan to go F..... himself. Those are fighting words.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Trump Spreading Covid on Golf Course

 The grounds crew, cooks, waiters other golfers have all died horrible deaths.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Trump on Suicide Watch

 Guiliania has been farting nonstop -- a nervous disorder.  Trump fears years in Rykers Island with his pans around his ankles.  ( He can reach to pull them  up)

Rudy Giuliani farted 5000 times in Philadelphia -- and got away with it!!!!!

 He'd eaten about 5 pounds of Ukrainian beef jerky he'd brought back from a Biden hunt and then it began. I sure hope he bags a Biden.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Covid: a deep state plot

 Cooked up in the labs under DC by pederasts using underage workers.  The virust was shipped to China and sent to the use in Iphones.  You know the rest.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Stephen Miller wants gas chambers for immigrants!

 That's a bit much isn't it?  

Monday, October 19, 2020

Trump is the official rape denier for the DOJ

 He's a busy man. maga hats off.

Trump's psychotic babel is repelling UFOs

 full of child molesters that want to land in the Bible Belt but they are afraid of presidential spittle.  They must use Trump Party Dolls made in China.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Trump will flee prosecutors

 by living in his vast condo complex under Washington DC.  He will be welcomed by the deep state.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Trump Reversals: His mind is spinning

 and squirting bleach, mosquito repellent, french fry sauce, urine and the backwash of his putrid mind. PPE please!

Desperate Trump will make appeal to child molesters and serial killers

 There are some very fine child molesters and serial killers.

WE take issue with the President.

If Trump loses election, he will defect to Russia

 He will run the American corruption unit in the FSB.  Millions of Evangelicals will follow their Messiah.

Rudy Giuliani and Steven Bannon

 Two great Americans collaborating with the Russian Intelligence Agencies.  Wasn't being a traitor punishable by firing squad?  We advocate putting them in the same cell as Trump and his family.

Trump to Excavate White House to look for Deep State Pedophiles

 His Qanon advisers have located a pizza parlor 500 feet below with thousands of enslaved children.  Trump will put on a anti-Satan clown suit and rescue them!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Hoover Institution Insider Trading?

 Come on.  Their inside, Deep state.  That's a perk.  Get rid of the welfare state, more pork for Hoover!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

WH would wear masks

 if they could wear a Klan hoods, which provide maximum protection.

People sent home from Trump Rallies

 to spread the disease then die holding their Bibles and assault rifles.  If they could only have a drop of Trump's miracle medicine!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Trump wants his pal Putin to bomb Blue states

 Pat's bog is in Arkansas so we're good.  We can go on wheels like Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.  Are the Iraqi weapons at mar a lago?  After spending several trillions dollars looking for them, I suggest the store rooms of the pool at Mar a lago for a start.  Maybe Trump Tower next to the Russian nerve agent and cure for Covid. Keep looking and keep bombing.

Trump wants CIA to assassinate Joe Biden.

 Is that legal?   Maybe Barr could get him in a choke hold and only let go if Biden promises to quit the campaign and retire. 

Judge Barrett rules on Second Ammendment

 She speaks in tongues.  It is translated.  We have right to bear arms and shoot people.  Guns are made for shootin'.  Why not shoot a people!  You can always shoot a coyote but why not shoot your neighbor over the back fence especially if he's not reading the Bible.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Trump will projectile spray everyone

 at the White House event today.  He loves to spread the disease.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Florida -- Invest in the death industry -- caskets and crematoriums

 Ron DeSantis  -- the grim reaper!  

Trump will rise from the Dead!

 And start groping women!

When Trump is painted Orange

 that means he's contagious. Keep away unless Covid is a religious experience for you, send by God.  Imagine what a religious experience leprosy is!

Trump has leprosy.  Send him some triple antibiotic cream!  

Barr is a member of a militia

 He is about to storm a pizza parlor in Maryland to attack 1000 Antifa pederasts hiding in a broom closet.  Barr will apply choke holds to each of the pederasts.  Very heroic!

Trump to have Proud Boys Event at WH

 Everyone will wear a mask.  Trump is concerned about their health.  Very considerate.

Dictator Alert -- Indict political opponents

 Unless he's whacked out of his mind on crack!  

Kafka Jenner fights with Kierkegaard Jenner

 They fought over a silly handbag.  Honestly, its embarrassing that so much money and attention are lavished on such unremarkable people.  And we lap it up like starving dogs.

Trump Test Positive for Hamburger

 No traces of vegetables.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Trump wants fly from Pense's head to sign NDA

 The Fly refuses.  Bill Barr is on it.  The entire DOJ is investigating and preparing charges.  The fly refuses citing brain damage from Pense's hair spray.

God sent Covid and Bone spurs to Trump

 So he would not have to fight in the Michigan insurrection and spurs Vietnam.  He also avoided having to save Pense from the fly. It could have involved f=bombs!

25th Amendment or Elephant tranquilizer?

 He can wake up in January and get ready for his many court cases in NY.  I'm thinking a family cell with a bull horn for bombastic excess.  A Fox visiting room will be necessary.  Please leave suggestions.

Trump's Militia Plans to Attack Michigan Capitol

 Trump told the Proud boys to standby.  They were afraid that he would die.  So the began the insurrection.  They are waiting for the DOJ to bail them out.  Barr is working on their defense right now.

White HOuse F-bomb Count

 Its  big number.  Need to wash their hands as well as their mouths.

Trump asks God to sign Non-disclosure

 Guess who said go f....... yourself.   You know.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Trump would rather drop his pants on the WH lawn

 then expose his taxes.  That bad?  He must be worth a million.  He could always work for the bank while paying off his loan.  Greeting customers and infecting them with covid and gaslighting disease.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Mike pense will have bible taped to thigh during debate

 if he suspected a militia attack, he might have it in his shirt pocket to repel any stray bulleets.

Russia to pay off Trump's $421 Million debt

 In return, Russian can try nerve agents and their delivery systems on citizens in Blue states.

Trump -- the Death President

 Just go ahead and get Covid and die.  Trump has your back.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Trump did 100 push ups in the hospital

 Putin can only do 90.  You can't trust Putin because he lies all the time. He's not a good Christian like Trump.

Trump Joyriding -- what a bozo!

 Fake covid.  Just time to be on the phone alone with Putin plotting election disinformation.

Trump is Pissed at Mark Meadows

 He won't wear the pair of Proud Boys underwear that Trump gave him.  A new line of real men's fashion made in China.  Ivanka has push up proud boys bras in production.

"Up and Assertive"

 Trump's back on the phone with the Proud Boys.  Can't keep a proud boy down.

Friday, October 2, 2020

White Supremacist Heaven

 The organ is playing.  Hamburgers are on the grill.  Weird rock and roll is playing. Beefy guys with swastikas are walking around in the clouds.  A few college educated saints carry tiki torches.   Some white supremacists light their farts with matches to clear the air for the arrival of their great  leader.

Sean Hannity Gave the President a Hamburger to Denounce White Supremacy

 The president wept bitterly after betraying the Klan.  He may not recover.

Hey Fr. Jenkins of Notre Dame

God still knows who you are if you wear a mask.  Or maybe not. Did you infect the football team?!

Putin would Campaign for Trump

 but he doesn't want to get covid.  Maybe he told Donald to wear a mask in one of their lovey dovey midnight calls.  But Donald is a brute, despite his bone spurs.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tremendous Reviews Trump

was hearing voices while sitting on the toilet again. WH needs a white noise (supremacist) in the WH bathrooms so Trump stops hearing voices.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Giuliani has Slow acting Ebola

 Pray for him, Brad Parscale, Jerry "rocket Launcher" Falwell, as well as many others in the Trump administration.  Falwell is drinking a brown colored drink, tea? with bleach,  to fight ebola.  

Brad Parscale -- a real Trumpite

 He learned everything from his boss.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Ron DeSantis Push for Extinction

 His goal is for everyone in Florida to die.  You can help him in his crusade by going to a bar or cafe or just committing suicide.  Make your wills payable to Donald Trump.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Platinum Plan -- Buy Fake Platinum

 Buy it from a Trump business.  It's gold-colored plastic made in China. Spend all your money one it and live on the street a few years later!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Robots in Hot Zones

 When areas of the earth are to hot to inhabit, we can move robot populations there and they can sit around and stare at phones.  This will give tech industries work.  We will also need robot police to repel the displaced people moving to cooler climates.  We'll will need robots to work crematoriums.

Why not just have 1000 billionaires named Trump and a population of adoring robots?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bill Barr -- Superspreader

 Staying home for a short period of time to avoid spreading a deadly disease equal to hundreds years of  enslavement?  He's head a the justice department?  God have mercy.  I rally need to take my assault rifle to church.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Caputo to spend two months under giant tin foil hat

 Many Trump appointees come from the hat spa and return there to converse with aliens and pederasts who live several miles below Washington DC in condos provided by the deep state.  It is a heady and confusing mix.

Natalie Wood owns trailer parks

 She travels between the trailer parks in western united states, never staying in one park to long. She is afraid of being discovered, although she has had her face altered and is quite old now.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Trump give Putin Condo at Mar a Lago

 Very generous!  I think he needs a room in the White House as well.

Trump Predicts Ice Age

 Ice will cool down the climate.  Trump is buying mountains for ski resorts.  I think we are all looking for cooler weather and have to thank President Trump for his omniscience and advising God on how best to grab crotches.

Trump says to put out fires with brooms

 This upset the antiwitch wing of his base.  Which wing is that?  Lock her up.

An old bitch gone at the teeth

 who said that?  Were they wearing a MAGA hat or a Kafka hat?  Kafka didn't say that.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Nevada's Trailer Parks will soon be empty

After the Trump Arena death event.  Bury them with their Bibles!  Only decent thing to do pardner.  Bury them in the deep state.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Trump Rally: Covid Death Orgy

 Thousands of Trumpoids French Kissing each other and hoping to be dead and kill as many people as possible because the Rapture just won't come.  Maybe it came at Sturgis and you missed it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

White House denies that Trump is Human

 despite evidence that he walks, talks and tweets.  He plays golf and may have hugged his son years ago.  He had a charity and took the money.  He's done many things, human things, groping and peeking through windows.  This is outrageous.

Trump will inhale all the Covid Virus in the World

 He will win multiple Nobel Prizes for prophylactic digestion.  He will bill everyone for $500,000,000,000 dollars so he can buy his family presents and pay Bill Barr off.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Trump Proposes New Taxes

 He needs taxes to pay for his legal fees. Why should a billionaire pay lawyers?

Monday, September 7, 2020

Trump will swear on anything

 He does that daily.  What else is new.  He could swear with his hand on Putin thigh instead of the bible.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Trump...wear your Klan robe. in Public! You'd look good in it.

 Be a proud wizard.  Putin thinks that you are sexy in it.  You can grab a crotch and hid your hand in your robe, fake crotch grab!  Give Barr a robe too.  He'd look good in one.

Trump passes "slimeball" in WH bathroom

 We've all done it.  He was on the phone with Putin and he had to go. No biggie.  Putin pledged 100 million for Trump's reelection. 

Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Trump/Putin Ticket

 When is Putin going to rally at the swing states?

Friday, September 4, 2020

Trump asks Putin for Nerve Agents

 to use against opponents.  It gives you a runny nose for a few days.  Trump will use lit to fight covid and bone spurs.

Herd Immunity -- Why Not?

 They tried it in Sturgis and it seemed to work. 

Trump will appear in Klan robe before November

 H has to appeal to his base.  give the guy a break.  Biden has ruined the country for the last four years.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

By Nov 1, every American will have a gallon of bleach/malaria elixir

 Get your Ritz crackers ready, Uncle Donald will defeat covid.  Even with his bone spurs.  He stayed home, he wasn't a loser soldier.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Trump's unplanned hospital visit

 His horned tail was poking through his pants.  Jerry Falwell has one too.  Most evangelicals have tails.  Won't be good during the Rapture.

UFO full of thugs in MAGA hats land on WH roof

 The aliens are here to help Trump get elected. Only a few can speak.

Monday, August 31, 2020

If Falwell is a Crook

 then in the Evangelical world view he is a saint.   All ordinary moral considerations are backwards.  The devil's got a pitchfork in your ass and you don't know it.  MAGA!

Trump to Kenosha to Shoot Protesters in the Back

 His bones spurs may be bothering him, but the president wants his chance to shoot someone in the back...maybe a cnn reporter.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Jerry Falwell and Stormy Daniels will Make a Movie Together

 The movie will be a biopic but the story but as yet there no script.  But repentance will be a theme.  In order to repent there has to be a lot of fornication.  Greed and avarice are no longer a sin.  They are now a virtue.  So just fornication and corss dressing.  

I've gotten word that they may both work in a Frozen Yogurt store and one thing leads to another.  This is a leak from the committee writing the script-- several writers studied at Liberty to they may be disgruntled or actually looked in windows and saw things.

Updates as they happen.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse -- Trump Supporter

 He's really a nice kid.  Trump will pardon him.  He could have shot up a school in a spree that would later be called a hoax in the world where the American mind has turned into a toxic pablum that will soon be dripping out of noses, ears and mouths.  It will be called manna and the Rapture will begin with thousands of mass shootings.  By then they won't be called shootings.  Total dementia will be underway.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Ghislaine Maxwell to move into Lincoln Bedroom in White House

 President Trump is practicing compassionate conservatism and as a remembrance of the great American Jeffry Epstein.  Trump did not get a chance to pardon Mr. Epstein.  Maxwell also promised to find several nannies to take care of Eric.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Kinky Falwells ! (Even the Devil blushed!)

 Please send all your money to the Liberty University fornication and adultery fund. Is Liberty kinkier than Baylor?  Baylor was just a rape school with Ken Starr watching.  The president might like some senior action.  He can't just keep talking and talking.

Trump is nailed to a Cross

and speaks  for 1000 years.  Some people complain that it is gibberish.  They are executed in the new paradise. 

For 40 days and 40 Nights Trump Spoke

as the pandemic rose up and killed everyone except his family.  The Lord was pleased and dthe president got his second term. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Trump will speak for 666 straight hours

 The devil will inject Trump's throat with medicine from hell. The evangelicals will buddy up to the devil think he is Trump's father.  This is the last move of the deep state. You won't get this from QAnon wankers.

Trump will Speak for 72 Straight Hours

 Preachers will pray for his throat continuously so that his brilliance will keep gushing forth.

Trump to Speak for 48 Straight Hours

 at the Republican convention proving the existence of God and his great love for Jesus.  Many Evangelicals believe the Rapture will begin while Trump is speaking, at least 12 hours will be in tongues. Jerry Falwell will do erotic pantomime on a split screen at the appropriate moments.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Deep State Put a Cockroach

 in one of the President's hamburgers.  He ate it without noticing otherwise he would have complained bitterly and whipped Pence again.

Barr opposed to Snowden Pardon

 No money in it for him.  Let's crowd source.  And raise some money for Bannon, he needs it.

Trump does not need Evidence

Even trutherism is confusing.  Ask any Evangelical. 2020 years and nothing has happened, except selling your souls to the devil with weird hair and gaudy hotels where you will be tortured for eternity for your stupidity.

The Deep State end Allison Stokke's Pole Vault Career

 The deep state has slowed the flow of beer in Wisconsin by .005%.

Deep State adds Abrasive Particles to WH Toilet Paper

 This was very inconsiderate.  There some sore bums.  It is believe that former Obama loyalists were involved.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Biggest Plumber's Crack in Each State

 Get your pictures ready.  There will be a World PC Competition in Sturgis to help spread Covid.  Contests are also planed for universities where high learning at close proximity is the norm.

Scheduling information will be announced soon. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Trump bites Postman's ankle

 Now the postman has rabies and bone spurs.

Ron Desantis is another stable genious!

Ask the grave diggers and the guy he paid to take his SATs. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Trump says, "Spanish flu killed off dinosaurs."

Aren't dinos roaming around on Trump golf courses, as a tax write off?

Sunday, August 9, 2020

"The Lord and the Founding Fathers"

have seen a lot of things, like Jerry Falwell with his zipper down and a glass full of Falwell Jet Fuel Protean Shake as well as anything Trump and Putin do separately and together on their large screen zoom link.  Trump created a terrific world in five days.  He played golf on each day!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Trump thinks Preparation-H will cure covid-19.

We could give it a try, I guess.  Maybe mosquito repellent, since mosquitoes carry malaria.

Trump Blames BLM for Explosion in Beirut

Is this credible or is it what it is?  Beirut may use mail in ballots but not by mail.

Trump can't say "One way or another"

But he can say, "it is what it is."  Now that is cognitive ability of a twenty something partying in a crowd with out masks.  How's his prostate -- marvelous, fantastic, world class.

Is he jealous of Clinton for flying to the "island?"  Or did he?  The plot thickens.  It is what it is and I can't say one way or another. But I could say what it is, one way or another.  That may lead to contradictions and I can't get away with that.

"It is what it is."

The counter argument is "it isn't what it is."  A compromise, "it isn't always what it is" or "sometimes it is what it is, but at other times it isn't what it is."  It does depend on what is means. Example, he is on the island with underage girls.  There is a lot examine and analyse in that proposition.

Logicians, weigh in please.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Bill Clinton on the Island?

Give his p------ a lie detector test.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Ron DeSantis -- the Grim Reaper

One of Donald s little henchmen.  Has to have his horns shaved daily.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Questioning Hurts Trumps (Fake) Feelings

Please don't upset him.  Show some respect, drink some bleach.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Ron DeSantis Lookel the Virus in the Face

just like George Bush looked Putin in the eyes and knew they could do business.
Trump makes mooncalf eyes at Putin, blows air kisses when Putin shows him photos and gangster loan papers.

DeSantis looked the virus in the eye, like John Wayne, and said go to hell you fake walking cold.  Who won?

Rose Garden Renovation!

Long overdue and timely!  Statues of dictators, racists, corrupt businessmen and Jeffry Epstein can be added.  Good work.  Timely.  Thoughtful.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Bill Barr -- Mob Lawyer

Good work if you can get it.  The president keeps him busy.  Free cigars?

Friday, July 17, 2020

WH says Science Behind Opening Schools

Soak the kids in bleach!

Ron "Big Virus" De Santis -- The NY Times

sent secret agents to Florida to cough on Floridians.  That's why your numbers are so high.  You should hire Fox agents to come and counter-cough on Floridians.  Didn't they teach you that at Yale.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Georgia: A Right as an American to cough in Your Neighbor's Face Without a Mask, but maybe a Klan Hood

At least brush your damn teeth. Use some of the Jerry Falwell "Jet Fuel Mouthwash.  Cleans your breath and repels Satan.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ivanka Trump Eats Refried Beans

straight out of a can.  She didn't warm them up.  She just opened the can and began eating.  That's impressive.  That Trump family.  I like refried beans with Jerry Falwell "Jet Fuel."  It tastes a little like mild salsa.  But the beans and fuel are a perfect protein and could be vegan.

Trump Suing to Stay Out of Jail

But a cell with gold paint!  Make America Great Again.  Jail the corrupt.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ghislaine Maxwell to Work for Trump Campaign

She will arrange hostess for gathers of donors, bigwigs, Tea Party members and Evangelicals.  She promises to make meet and greets great again.  No masks needed.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Everyone is Lying -- Trump

How could a country elect such a bleach-drinking desperate idiot.  He couldn't conduct a third grade experiment. Golfing, crotch grabbing, gangster loans, tax fraud, etc.  good Christian values.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

DeSantos -- Champion Virus Spreader

Please accept your guest pass for an Trump Golf course and an extra long red tie made in China.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Trump's Cognitive Test was Given by Veterinarian

Trump stomped on the floor to convey answers to questions.  The nursing staff changed his diapers.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Roger Stone Will Change Trump's Diapers When Pardoned

Giuliani was doing it but he now has black lung.  He wore protective gear but the Presidents movements are quite toxic.

Mississippi Lawmakers Test Positive for Idiocy -- Free Membership in the Trump Idiot Club

How's that capitol fresh air working for you.  You could have worn confederate masks.

Trump's Diapers Full of Covid Virus

His diapers have spread the disease.  This is a story that needs more air.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Ron DeSantos -- Premature Opener

Start digging the graves gov.  Maybe Trump can help dig as part of his prison release program.  Or bury the dead on Trump golf courses. There are a lot of options including waiting for the ocean to rise and wash Florida away.

Change Trump's Diapers -- Please!

Pence, that's your job. Or may Barr.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Isn't Trump's Face A mask?

When he grabs the flag, like he's grabbing a woman's crotch, he's demonstrating
the mask of Evangelical morals and lust.  Is that not so?

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Ron DeSantos Ivy League?

He failed his pandemic class. Florida, keep breathing in each other's faces. In fifty years the cemeteries will be underwater.  That will stop the virus.

Friday, July 3, 2020

New WH Message -- Die and shut up!

Sorry, that's shut up and die.  An intern wrote that and we don't know how to change it.

Trump Loves Spreading the Virus

He's bored with his base and wants to kill them off.  He's tired of lying to them.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Trump Got Written Brief -- He can't Read!

No shaming!  He was probably looking at potential tweets for White nationalism, vulgarity, revenge, boasting.  Running a country isn't easy.
The WH should have Sean Hannity call the president on the phone and tell him if there is anything important he needs to know.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Trump Has Huge Rally in Hell

Attendance was poor.  The empty seats were on fire.  Trump burnt his hands on a she devil's crotch. He should have learned.

Trump Administration Preparing for Second Wave of Crotch Grabbing

The president will use two hands so he doesn't drop the crotch.

Celebrities Who Have Come Out as Non-Human

The list with photos is being compiled.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Pense...Don't lie about Covid

Remember, you can go to hell for lying, even is Trump is Christ.  He can't get you a pardon.  But you can get a discount a condo in Hell's Trump Tower!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

National Bone Spur Day

We are trying to get President Trump to be the grand marshal.  It is well known that he's suffered from debilitating bone spurs in his ankle which ruined his military career.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Don't Drink the Kool-Aide at the Trump Rally

Bring your own.  If security won't let you bring it in, then chug it in the parking lot.  And be sure to cough in each other's faces -- The Lord (Donald) will take care of you.

Everyone Write Trump a Letter

and tell him what a nice guy he is.  I think he's pouting off camera or his bone spurs are acting up again.  If he could have served, we would have won the war.

Give Trump a Vanderpump

It rhymes!  Give him a beautiful poll he likes so he isn't so grumpy.  Give him a police uniform so he can push an old senator to the ground, if his bone spurs aren't acting up.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Jerry Falwell in Black Face

Was he drinking Falwell "JetFuel" Komboucha again?  Why doesn't the guy just have a beer.  The Klan robe he can wear at home.  Don't show us the pictures, please.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

WTF is a Vanderpump?

I know it is something that is supposed to be entertaining.  Is it like a pet rock?

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Trump will speak on Race and Bleach

Don't ask me.  I'm not going to listen.  I threw up when I drank the bleach.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Trump to Bomb Mt. Rushmore

He thinks the presidents are overrated.

Zuckerberg is Ten Feet Tall

when looking at his net worth. He's two feet tall standing behind Trump saying, yes sir.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Trump with a Bible (and Biblical parting of the Protesters)

Put a giant condom around the Bible to protect it.

Aporia in the Waldorf Astoria.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Trump Holding a Bible in front of a Church

If you believe that and aren't offended...never mind.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Trump Advisers Divided

Some want more chokings others want Trump to play more golf.  He looks very presidential (beefy) in the tall grass.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Trump Shooting Looters

He'd like to but he has to play golf -- he can watch the videos later.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Trump Threatens the Sun

It shined in his eyes on the golf course.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Trump Wears a Pith Helmet When He Takes His Malaria Meds

The white house has painted out the swastika.  It think that's more tasteful.  If you look hard, you can still see it.  The nytimes would squawk about it if the swastika was more easily seen, like Jesus on a tortilla.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Trump Sniffs Glue

for covid 19, dummy.  Not for recreational purposes.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Trump's Graduation Speech for Pandemic

He gave it for the children of neo-nazis and Klansman, his base.  Fine people and a fine speech bearing witness to his love of Jesus Christ who got a few things right but was probably a secret democrat. As such, he deserved what he got.  Trump doesn't like his saviors nailed to a cross.  They provide prostitutes and loan money at good rates in exchange for favors.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

National Day of Prayer Postponed

or should  be for 25 years and see what happens.  The trouble is that people would be sneaking prayers and not complying...the same people who won't social distance or wear masks.  Aporia in the Waldorf Astoria

Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump has Injected Lysol for Years

That's why he is a genius, although he has dipped his needle into Jerry Falwall's Jet Fuel when he has a lot of TV to watch.

Injecting Lysol is not illegal.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Pence Defends a Giant Turd

It's a thousand miles long.  I don't do know what he was thinking.  Maybe it had a growth of orange hair on it.  I don't know.  Please send help.  Take some home to put in your backyard.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Florida Beaches -- nonMENSA people infecting one another while watching WWE

Doesn't Trump live near a beach and watch the WWE?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Jerry Falwell Wants Robust Oversight of His Jet Fuel

He believes NYTimes reporters are siphoning off jet fuel for their barbeques and fake hamburgers.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Jerry Fallwell Plays the Nazi Comparison Card

When you and your jet are in Lynchburg, be sure to fill it up with Falwell Jet Fuel.

When in Islamabad use A R Raheem Motors Rent a Car for all your tourist needs.

Fallwell Jet Fuel and Raheem Motors have no affiliation.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Anti-Vaccine Activists Drink Falwell Jet Fuel

This is the new craze, although it hasn't been approved by the FDA, that deep-state abomination.  Lick your neighbor's feet -- Covid 19 is athletes feet for the lungs.

Friday, April 10, 2020

liberty University to be Converted into a Jet Fuel Processing Plant

The students can still read the Bible in designated areas.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Giuliani Using Laudanum to Write Ukranian Nature Poetry and Cure his Covid - 19

Wordsworth place in history will be challenged.  Nature will also be challenged.
Golf courses will become extinct.  Trump will have begin taking laudanum with his hamburgers and milk shakes.  Pence will pray and pray to no avail.  Pray for us us in our hour of need. Aporia in the Waldorf Astoria!

Guiliani Promoting Falwell Jet Fuel to end Covid 19

The jet fuel will cure covid 19, warts, flatulence, cancer and many other major diseases.  Giuliani drank it while he was wading through the sewers of the Ukraine looking for evidence of Biden's son exchanging texts with Trlump's favorite Russian gangsters.

Make America Great Again
Aporia in the Waldorf Astoria

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Jared Kushner Drinks Falwell Jet Fuel for Get Up and Go!

Soon there will be Falwell Jet Fuel Power Bars (tm) to get you the pandemic.
The president can eat them because they hurt his bone spurs.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Florida Elected an Idiot for Governor

What does that say about the people of Florida?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

HHS Eating Donuts

while ventilators collect dust in storage or waiting for the highest bid and kickback payments to arrive at Mar a lago.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

God Speaks through a Tank of Jerry Falwell's Jet Fuel

Mr. Falwell has a 100 gallon tank of Jet "Come to Jesus (tm) fuel in his back yard.  God and his father, Donald Trump, speak through the tank.  We have learned that the corona virus is fake.  People are pretending to die.  New York is in the midst of a huge theatrical production.

One drop of the fuel one''s forehead will secure eternal life and cure all major diseases.  The president uses it as face cream to have that gleaming (Biblical) orange glow to his countenance.

Liberty University Employee Sprays NY Times Reporter with Jet Fuel

A settlement is in the works.  You'll never hear about this from fake media.

Liberty University to Inoculate Students with Jet Fuel

Falwell "Come to Jesus" Jet Fuel will be used for inoculations against corona-virus.  The fuel will be delivered by injection.  The cost of the inoculations will be added to student fees in the upcoming semester.

The jet fuel is believed to be more effective than water from Lourdes.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Liberty University Uses Jet Fuel to fight Cornovirus

Jerry Falwell says that the University will wash all the school surfaces with Falwell Brand "Come to Jesus!" Jet Fuel, including the students, who will pay for the cleaning in next year's tuition.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Trump's "aspirationial projection"

Its coming from his ass where most of his ideas come from.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Trump Allies Tested for Rabies

Awaiting the results.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Jim Jordan -- friend of "perverts'

and a good Christian.  What is it with Republicans and wrestling?

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Franklin Graham is Donald Trump's Right Buttock

and Trump is Satan's left buttock. How do buttocks talk?  The American Enterprise Institute is working on it.  I'm skeptical.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Thunberg vs Trump

she is young and petite. he is old and fat.  Let's continue the list. Soon.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Dupes and Babies!

Trump had a sore toe in college, otherwise he would have won the Viet Nam War all by himself!  He has post traumatic stress from prostitutes making fun of his ......

Monday, January 13, 2020

One million Damns and Billions of Hamburgers

Children will start talking like President Trump.  He likes hamburgers too.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The No Evidence Presidency

Trump gets bored listening to evidence, but he doesn't when he makes it up.  God had no evidence either, but Trump is his vessel.   They're both broken.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Trump Launches Rocket at Hillary Clinton

He missed.  But he will try again.  She has a vast child porn industry
operating in many Ukrainian cities.  Giuliani's brought some bake for the White House when they get tired of watching the Trump show.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Funeral Stampede

Is that a rodeo?

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Power Wash Your Gut

When in Islamabad ask AR Raheem.  He will rent you a car and direct you to an ancient house
of gut washing.  Very reasonable.  Excellent results.

Friday, January 3, 2020

United Methodist Church Attacks Iran

By stealth.  The operations will become public in the weeks ahead.