Saturday, October 31, 2020

Covid: a deep state plot

 Cooked up in the labs under DC by pederasts using underage workers.  The virust was shipped to China and sent to the use in Iphones.  You know the rest.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Stephen Miller wants gas chambers for immigrants!

 That's a bit much isn't it?  

Monday, October 19, 2020

Trump is the official rape denier for the DOJ

 He's a busy man. maga hats off.

Trump's psychotic babel is repelling UFOs

 full of child molesters that want to land in the Bible Belt but they are afraid of presidential spittle.  They must use Trump Party Dolls made in China.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Trump will flee prosecutors

 by living in his vast condo complex under Washington DC.  He will be welcomed by the deep state.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Trump Reversals: His mind is spinning

 and squirting bleach, mosquito repellent, french fry sauce, urine and the backwash of his putrid mind. PPE please!

Desperate Trump will make appeal to child molesters and serial killers

 There are some very fine child molesters and serial killers.

WE take issue with the President.

If Trump loses election, he will defect to Russia

 He will run the American corruption unit in the FSB.  Millions of Evangelicals will follow their Messiah.

Rudy Giuliani and Steven Bannon

 Two great Americans collaborating with the Russian Intelligence Agencies.  Wasn't being a traitor punishable by firing squad?  We advocate putting them in the same cell as Trump and his family.

Trump to Excavate White House to look for Deep State Pedophiles

 His Qanon advisers have located a pizza parlor 500 feet below with thousands of enslaved children.  Trump will put on a anti-Satan clown suit and rescue them!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Hoover Institution Insider Trading?

 Come on.  Their inside, Deep state.  That's a perk.  Get rid of the welfare state, more pork for Hoover!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

WH would wear masks

 if they could wear a Klan hoods, which provide maximum protection.

People sent home from Trump Rallies

 to spread the disease then die holding their Bibles and assault rifles.  If they could only have a drop of Trump's miracle medicine!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Trump wants his pal Putin to bomb Blue states

 Pat's bog is in Arkansas so we're good.  We can go on wheels like Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.  Are the Iraqi weapons at mar a lago?  After spending several trillions dollars looking for them, I suggest the store rooms of the pool at Mar a lago for a start.  Maybe Trump Tower next to the Russian nerve agent and cure for Covid. Keep looking and keep bombing.

Trump wants CIA to assassinate Joe Biden.

 Is that legal?   Maybe Barr could get him in a choke hold and only let go if Biden promises to quit the campaign and retire. 

Judge Barrett rules on Second Ammendment

 She speaks in tongues.  It is translated.  We have right to bear arms and shoot people.  Guns are made for shootin'.  Why not shoot a people!  You can always shoot a coyote but why not shoot your neighbor over the back fence especially if he's not reading the Bible.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Trump will projectile spray everyone

 at the White House event today.  He loves to spread the disease.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Florida -- Invest in the death industry -- caskets and crematoriums

 Ron DeSantis  -- the grim reaper!  

Trump will rise from the Dead!

 And start groping women!

When Trump is painted Orange

 that means he's contagious. Keep away unless Covid is a religious experience for you, send by God.  Imagine what a religious experience leprosy is!

Trump has leprosy.  Send him some triple antibiotic cream!  

Barr is a member of a militia

 He is about to storm a pizza parlor in Maryland to attack 1000 Antifa pederasts hiding in a broom closet.  Barr will apply choke holds to each of the pederasts.  Very heroic!

Trump to have Proud Boys Event at WH

 Everyone will wear a mask.  Trump is concerned about their health.  Very considerate.

Dictator Alert -- Indict political opponents

 Unless he's whacked out of his mind on crack!  

Kafka Jenner fights with Kierkegaard Jenner

 They fought over a silly handbag.  Honestly, its embarrassing that so much money and attention are lavished on such unremarkable people.  And we lap it up like starving dogs.

Trump Test Positive for Hamburger

 No traces of vegetables.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Trump wants fly from Pense's head to sign NDA

 The Fly refuses.  Bill Barr is on it.  The entire DOJ is investigating and preparing charges.  The fly refuses citing brain damage from Pense's hair spray.

God sent Covid and Bone spurs to Trump

 So he would not have to fight in the Michigan insurrection and spurs Vietnam.  He also avoided having to save Pense from the fly. It could have involved f=bombs!

25th Amendment or Elephant tranquilizer?

 He can wake up in January and get ready for his many court cases in NY.  I'm thinking a family cell with a bull horn for bombastic excess.  A Fox visiting room will be necessary.  Please leave suggestions.

Trump's Militia Plans to Attack Michigan Capitol

 Trump told the Proud boys to standby.  They were afraid that he would die.  So the began the insurrection.  They are waiting for the DOJ to bail them out.  Barr is working on their defense right now.

White HOuse F-bomb Count

 Its  big number.  Need to wash their hands as well as their mouths.

Trump asks God to sign Non-disclosure

 Guess who said go f....... yourself.   You know.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Trump would rather drop his pants on the WH lawn

 then expose his taxes.  That bad?  He must be worth a million.  He could always work for the bank while paying off his loan.  Greeting customers and infecting them with covid and gaslighting disease.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Mike pense will have bible taped to thigh during debate

 if he suspected a militia attack, he might have it in his shirt pocket to repel any stray bulleets.

Russia to pay off Trump's $421 Million debt

 In return, Russian can try nerve agents and their delivery systems on citizens in Blue states.

Trump -- the Death President

 Just go ahead and get Covid and die.  Trump has your back.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Trump did 100 push ups in the hospital

 Putin can only do 90.  You can't trust Putin because he lies all the time. He's not a good Christian like Trump.

Trump Joyriding -- what a bozo!

 Fake covid.  Just time to be on the phone alone with Putin plotting election disinformation.

Trump is Pissed at Mark Meadows

 He won't wear the pair of Proud Boys underwear that Trump gave him.  A new line of real men's fashion made in China.  Ivanka has push up proud boys bras in production.

"Up and Assertive"

 Trump's back on the phone with the Proud Boys.  Can't keep a proud boy down.

Friday, October 2, 2020

White Supremacist Heaven

 The organ is playing.  Hamburgers are on the grill.  Weird rock and roll is playing. Beefy guys with swastikas are walking around in the clouds.  A few college educated saints carry tiki torches.   Some white supremacists light their farts with matches to clear the air for the arrival of their great  leader.

Sean Hannity Gave the President a Hamburger to Denounce White Supremacy

 The president wept bitterly after betraying the Klan.  He may not recover.

Hey Fr. Jenkins of Notre Dame

God still knows who you are if you wear a mask.  Or maybe not. Did you infect the football team?!

Putin would Campaign for Trump

 but he doesn't want to get covid.  Maybe he told Donald to wear a mask in one of their lovey dovey midnight calls.  But Donald is a brute, despite his bone spurs.