Friday, August 30, 2024

Trump Digs up Dead Soldiers at Arlington and Calls them Losers

 If you die in war, are you a loser?  He's a realtor, he should know.  No dead soldiers buried under Trump Towers.  Trump practices his speeches in rooms with dead soldiers.

Rapture News (2)

The news of RFK and dead animals need scrutiny for signs of the Rapture.   Drive carefully. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

RFK cuts head off of Dead Cat Lady

 Trump and J D watch.  J D defends decapitation.  He's a lawyer and author.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Trump took Shit at Arlington Cemetary

He thought he was at one of his golf courses.  Everybody's done in the bushes. Nature calls.

Don't die in war if you don't want the commander-in-chief to crap on your grave.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Trump Sues mt. Rushmore

 Why not?  he's not paying for the lawyers.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Project 2025 -- Trump Will enforce Shoe polish face on all kindergarteners

 This is too much project 2025.  Even with free visits to Mar-a-Lago and a chance to give Russian spies classified documents, it should be pay as you go.  

RFK -- shoe polish face

 Maybe it's bear grease.

Trump uses full body makeup -- you should too!

 We've tried it here at Pat's bog.  Can't recommend it enough.

Trump and RFK use the same brand of shoe polish on their face.

Monday, August 12, 2024

J D Vance Fought in the Civil War

 He fought bravely and killed thousands of Yankees.   Give him an assault rifle and see what he can do.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Trump Sues His Bone Spurs

 He believes they are fake, yet defamatory. He believes Jesus had bone spurs.  Trump has been given Jesus's bone spurs and will be crucified soon on one of his golf courses. Trump will scream, the crucfixicton was stolen by a bunch of losers!

Vance Fought in WW1

 He fought in the trenches.  He inhaled great volumes of mustard gas to save his comrades!  He's a hot dog.

Trump's Bone Spurs Bring on the Rapture

 The spurs have spread from his feet to his head.  He's had a podiatrist on staff since the Vietnam War trying to stop the spread.  Trump may need a brain transplant soon.  Please pray for him.  Hold your Bible upright and look out the window.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Vance Credits Trump with the Ressurection of Christ

 Trump crucified our Lord -- Loser! -- the Resurrected Christ and gave him a week golf pass at one of his pitch and put courses.