Friday, September 28, 2012

America for Jesus 2012

2012 years of waiting.   How many people have died waiting?  Look what it did to Harold Camping.  Is there a statute of limitation?

Israel's Nuclear Arsenal on Display

Prime Minister Netanyahu used a classified picture of an Israeli nuclear warhead in his U.N. Speech.  This is the first public, though inadvertent, admission of an arsenal by and Israeli leader. 

Our analysis of the bomb drawings is that they not convincing.  While ddetails are deliberately left missing or altered, the intent of intimidation is clear. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

High Maintenance Billionaires (bite their nails)

You know what I mean.  They might not get their errand boy Mitt in office.

That's not what I wanted to write about though.  I have this Naugahyde couch that I've written about and offered in numerous posts.  The only takers I've had are from Russia and India.  Come get it!  Unlikely, but I would like to get rid of it.  I just can't take it to the dump now that I have so much invested in it.

One of our laborers, a flarf poet, wanted it.  He sat on it for hours giggling and writing, but when he tried to move it his back went out. We haven't seen him since.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Panda Gives Birth to Kardashian Quintuplets

A Panda in China has given birth to Kardashian Quintuplets in the wilds of Bling National park. 
Several chartered planes are en route with the Kardashian entourage -- nannies, lawyers, agents and hangerons.  A reality show is in the planning stages.

Kate Middleton's Lungs

This blog has secured pictures of Kate Middleton's interior body parts -- intestines, lungs, kidneys, lungs and hip joints.  We are working on enhancing the images for viewing.  Believe me this is far more sensational than the previously published pictures of her breasts.

Our legal team was up all night drinking and putting together a defense so we can stay the course.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Charles Manson and Hank Williams Jr.

Hank Williams Jr. and Charles Manson are in communication. Mr. Manson has proof the President Obama is a Muslim. Hank Williams Jr. wants this information. He is believed to be offering Mr. Manson a role in a forthcoming album, either as song writer or a duet. Negotiations are directed through extreme right prison guards and their vast networks that reach as far conservative think tanks and their billionaire patrons.