Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Guns Don't Kill People -- Whole Foods Does

Even Assad knows that.  Using chemical weapons while hunting taints the meat -- it's extra gamy.  Assad is not a deer hunter.  His wife likes organic vegetables.  I think she would like Whole Foods.  If Assad ate more Vienna sausages or in Vienna, he might like deer hunting, he might take snuff.  His wife keeps her snuff refrigerated. Its only cold for a moment.  That's the problem.  A larger percentage of mass murders have used snuff.  Snuff kills people.  If there was a choice between banning assault rifles and snuff I would ban snuff.  Whole Foods sells a lot of snuff.  Most of their spices have significant amounts of snuff mixed in.


Barrett said...

I got food poisoning from their bottled water. I like their coffee for enemas.

Barrett said...

Hey, sitting in Whole Foods eating chicken wings. How the bleep are you Pat?