Thursday, January 23, 2014

630 Ann Coulter Bobble Heads cont.

Friends of the blog who will no longer go on line for fear of government spying are in agreement that millions of flying Ann Coulter heads with elongated neck would be the perfect precursor to an apocalyptic event.  Biblical plagues come to mind.  All of this suggests climate change which is anathema to the very people who believe in a final and drastic climate change but this is for a time after the implementation of common core standards. 

The bobble heads will all be flying around the sanctuary state of Kansas.


Earl said...

You might want to get some protection on this idea so it doesn't end up in a movie with millions of chuckie figures converging on the hole in the ozone.

Barrett W. said...

I saw that movie. I cracked a tooth on some popcorn.

Donny said...

I think her nick is sexy. But I can't believe that she dated D'neesh DeSouza. That really turns me off.