Friday, June 29, 2012

Gov Jindal Refuses Obamacare

Governor Jindal believes that secretions from the glands of the Lochness Monster will replace modern pharmacueticals. The governor believes the Lochness Monster lived in the Garden of Eden. He wants to farm smaller Lochness Monsters in the Louisiana swamps with the expressed purpose of improving local economy and repudiating socialized medicine.

Spellchecked by a team of unemployed college graduates.


The crew liked their recipe for low fat bbq abs.

Judge Roberts - Confused Traitor

We were talking about this around the paint bucket. The crew, to a man, have all seen corporate executives and significant shareholders drive up to 7/11 in old batttered cars (getaway cars), drink black coffee with lots of free sugar, have a hot dog, etc. They obviously should be viewed as a collective person so they have some influence over their misunderstood lives. If they give hundreds of millions to look after their interests, well, that is the casue of their marginal existence.

We believe that Judge Robert's has confused personhood. Is it an abstraction or a guy with suggery black coffee hoping for a days work or some influence for the hundreds of millions of dollars in a cry for help.

Judge Roberts must have thought that the American people, say the uninsured, are a person. Or persons can or should have health care. This kind of thinking is crazy or ultimately traitorus. Are Manhatton, left handed people, the coast guard, Hoisers, NRA, the telephone book, Neilson ratings, etc. persons or representations of persons? If they are subdivided endlessly to they fall below the unit of person, into subperson? Do subpersons have rights?

We are confused.

Goople Outsorces Spelchek Repares

Google has sent its blotspot spellcheck repairs to a small island natshon. The teckies will be paid in glas beeds, Niky shorts and teashorts and off brand snack food. The teckies are working on one computer at a time.

The move is scene as a boost for the lokal ekonomy and a savings for Goople.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ann Curry says Goodby

Ann Curry cries in her porridge
Ann Porridge cries in her curry
Corporate profits are down
that's why she had a big frown

The crew came up with this today. We're working on more verses.

The couch I've been shamelessly talking about is now spoken for. Scotty (wall paper) has a place in the woods where he goes when he feels like an apocolyptic story is about to come true. He likes to lie on the couch and rock back and forth in a fetal position while watching FOX or bass fishing shows.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Deserve to Die

This is clearly a right wing compaign to promote the Lochness Monster and Octomom as proof of Bible Science. It's about time the running-dog press engage in a little investigative reporting -- call in some of their wiretappers!


My spell check isn't working and my friend's couch is still available, although there is talk of moving it to a trailor on a great bass-fishing lake. I don't go fishing, but some of the crew does.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sandusky Suicide Watch

What channel is it on?

I know this isn't Craigslist, but I have an orange Nalgahyde couch I'd like to get rid of. It's not mine. I've stored it for a painting contractor who had too many DUI's and is paying his debt. He slept on it when he came home from a night out or more acurately when he finally came home.

The couch is in suprisingly good shape. If I hadn't told you that a drunken painter had slept on it for several years, you'd never guess. The color is not right though. The orange is that of safety -- not much help for him -- or a hunting vest. It's a wonder his wife didn't shoot him, he wasn't hard to find.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Frantz Fanon goes to Disneyland

Guy (me) walks into a library and an African man approaches as I'm riffling through the Beethoven CD's looking for Bach. The African starts in on his taxes (2009)and his accountant who does not know that a certain category is tax free. The accountant refuses to sign the form if the African insists on his interpretation of the tax code.

I'm struck by the neutral quality of the African's breath which is less than a foot from my nose. My breath would be awful, especially in the library. Then it is also strange that he would step right up and start in on his taxes. He must have thought that I was a victim of bad tax preparers or a member of the Tea Party or a good listener, not that one person could not be all three.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Dingo Killed JFK

Scotty, a wallpaper hanger, is a assassination conspiracy buff. He was telling us the other day that a dingo killed JFK. We had a good laugh, then he proceeded to outline the conspiracy. The dingo was in the lino...the gunfire was a distraction..the dingo had a ferocious bite capable of biting off chunks of skull. He went on and on with the Klan, Mafia and rogue CIA agents.

He is a hell of a wallpaper hanger though.

Note: Scotty has provided additional evidense. He show me several pictures of dogs -- dingos -- in what he claims to be a West Texas ranch that trained the dogs for assassinations. The training site was moved shortly after the assassination and the dingo program may have been discontinued.