Friday, December 16, 2016

Slam Thoughts and Bam Prayers

I'd say, stand back.  Let things take their course.  You can expect miracles but may have to settle for a small return on your taxes, unless you in the 1%.


Kevin K. said...

I have mixed feelings about the thought and prayer posts. I know that you are skewering that banality of thought and prayer, but (I need to go pray. get back to this soon)

Barrett said...

Kevin...been a while.

I've got a great salad dressing I'll send to you privately.

The thought/prayer problem! I like it. How often do we hear it? All the time.
Gives some credence to the idea that we are an alien species who have invented
the human as an entertainment. Something like that.

Kevin said...

Of course no one could say thoughts and prayers with a straight face. The alternative is to invent new words that would sound ridiculous as well.

Barry said...

When public figures say t and p, its sickening. That much I'll give you.

Kevin said...

OK. Ordinary people should have phrases to express loss or at least difficulty. Can we muzzle public figures? Or just let them say, I made money.

Barry said...

Just not responding is a possibility, selective non response?